





동물면역생리학연구실 소개

The Animal Immunophysiology Laboratory at Changwon National University, located on the 8th floor of the Bio Research Building, has been operating since March 2020. The laboratory focuses on studying immune responses and related diseases based on animal physiology. Additionally, our research covers a broad range of studies utilizing both mouse models and human samples. For more detailed information, please refer to our recent publications.



1 Nayoung Lee, Dohyun Kim, Huijae Cho, Gyeongmin Jeong, Seon-Jin Lee, Heedoo Lee,
Protocol to isolate and characterize pulmonary-specific extracellular vesicles in mice,
STAR Protocols, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2024, 103183, ISSN 2666-1667,
2 Jadamba B, Jin Y, Lee H.
Harmonising cellular conversations: decoding the vital roles of extracellular vesicles in respiratory system intercellular communications. Eur Respir Rev. 2024 Nov 13;33(174):230272.
3 Kim M, Park S, Lee N, Kim D, Kim D, Jin Y, Lee SJ, Hong JJ, Lee H.
Advanced MicroRNA delivery for lung inflammatory therapy: surfactant protein A controls cellular internalisation and degradation of extracellular vesicles. Thorax. 2024 Dec 25:thorax-2024-221793. doi: 10.1136/thorax-2024-221793. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39632081.


1 Sivanantham Ayyanar , Alktaish Ward , Murugeasan Selvakumar , Gong Bin , Lee Heedoo , Jin Yang
Caveolin-1 regulates OMV-induced macrophage pro-inflammatory activation and multiple Toll-like receptors. Frontiers in Immunology, Volume 14, 2023, ISSN 1664-3224
2 Park M, Cho YL, Choi Y, Min JK, Park YJ, Yoon SJ, Kim DS, Son MY, Chung SW, Lee H, Lee SJ.
Particulate matter induces ferroptosis by accumulating iron and dysregulating the antioxidant system. BMB Rep. 2023 Feb;56(2):96-101. doi: 10.5483/BMBRep.2022-0139. PMID: 36476270; PMCID: PMC9978363.
3 Sujeong Park, Miji Kim, Minkyung Park, Yang Jin, Seon-Jin Lee, Heedoo Lee,
Specific upregulation of extracellular miR-6238 in particulate matter-induced acute lung injury and its immunomodulation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 445, 2023, 130466, ISSN 0304-3894,
(IF 12.2 / JCR 3.5%)

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1 Jonathan M. Carnino, Heedoo Lee,
Chapter Four - Extracellular vesicles in respiratory disease, Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 108, 2022, Pages 105-127, ISSN 0065-2423,
2 Sivanantham, A., Lee, H., Jin, Y.
Direct Detection of Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs Using a Single-Step RT-qPCR Assay. In: Federico, M., Ridolfi, B. (eds) Extracellular Vesicles in Diagnosis and Therapy. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2504, 2022, Humana, New York, NY.
3 Jonathan M Carnino, Heedoo Lee, Ley Cody Smith, Vasanthi R Sunil, Raymond C Rancourt, Kinal Vayas, Jessica Cervelli, Zhi Hao Kwok, Kareemah Ni, Jeffrey D Laskin, Yang Jin, Debra L Laskin,
Microvesicle-Derived miRNAs Regulate Proinflammatory Macrophage Activation in the Lung Following Ozone ExposureToxicological Sciences, Volume 187, Issue 1, May 2022, Pages 162–174,

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